ArchWiki 中 libinput ArchWiki libinput 简介libinput 是一个函数库,在 Wayland 上用来接受设备的输入,在 X.Org 上提供输入设备的驱动。它提供对设备事件的检测和接收,对输入设备信号进行处理. X.Org 输入驱动为大多数常规输入设备提供了支持,libinput 项目的目标是为触摸板和触摸屏的触摸功能提供高级支持. 安装在 Xorg 系统中,xf86-input-libinput 包 2022-09-05 Arch
关闭 Archlinux 命令行蜂鸣声 Reason主板上的蜂鸣器模块处于打开状态,关闭即可. Solution先查看: 1sudo lsmod| grep pcspkr 编辑 /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf 文件,输入 blacklist pcspkr,然后重启. 2022-09-05 Arch
修复 fcitx 无法在终端下使用中文 原因是我先把 ArchWiki 上面建议的一些环境变量写在了 ~.xinitrc 中,导致其没有其效果,要写在 .pam_environment 这个文件中. 2022-09-05 Arch
Fix the messy code of archlinux to display chinese ArchWikiClick the hyperlink above, you can chose a font to download. ReasonWhy this happen. When we locale our archlinux at the very beginning, we uncomment two line in file /etc/locale.gen and set th 2022-09-05 Arch
Screen Shot on Archlinux with dwm scrotinstall scrot: 1sudo pacman -S scrot UseInput scrot on command line, and it will save the screen shot in the current file. You can specify the window by -s option. 2022-09-04 Arch
To adjust the volume on archlinux You can not use F2 or Fn + F2 to adjust the volume, we also need to install a software: 1sudo pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-equalizer alsa-utils pavucontrol playerctl I just install 2022-09-04 Arch
Preview Picture and Change the background of dwm Two software should be installed. sxiv1sudo pacman -S sxiv It’s used to preview the picture. You need to enter the picture directory first. Grammer: 1$ sxiv * Then you can click mouse to change th 2022-09-04 Arch
Beautify the st Changing the font sizeIt’s better to remove the config.def.h file. 1$ sudo rm Edit the config.h file, changing the value of pixelsize. Then reload the st: 1$ sudo make clean install 改变终端的字体修改 config 2022-09-04 Suckless